
RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate.RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate. Our company is always delighted to make Addis Ababa dynamic and....

RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate.RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate. Our company is always delighted to make Addis Ababa dynamic and exciting to visitors, local residents and business owners by providing a highest quality service at all times, indiscriminately. Individual passengers and company owners routinely appreciate RIDE extensive trip reporting and finance-consolidating tools, as they gets efficiently in real time. Our core value is centered on a complete accountability and transparency approach, which makes us trusted by business

Our company is always delighted to make Addis Ababa dynamic and exciting to visitors, local residents and business owners by providing a highest quality service at all times, indiscriminately. Individual passengers and company owners routinely appreciate RIDE extensive trip reporting and finance-consolidating tools, as they gets efficiently in real time.

Gets efficiently in real time. Our core value is

RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate.RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate. Our company is always delighted to make Addis Ababa dynamic and exciting to visitors, local residents and business owners by providing a highest quality service at all times, indiscriminately. Individual passengers and company owners routinely appreciate RIDE extensive trip reporting and finance-consolidating tools, as they gets efficiently in real time. Our core value is centered on a complete accountability and transparency approach, which makes us trusted by business


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RIDE ከOVID ጋር በጋራ ለአሽከርካሪዎች ቤቶች ሊገነባ ነው

ኦቪድ ሪል እስቴት እና ራይድ ትራንስፖርት (Hybrid Designs PLC) በጋራ ለመሥራት የሚያስችላቸውን የስራ ውልስምምነት ተፈራረሙ፡፡  መስከረም 30 ቀን 2017 ዓ. ም አዲስ አበባ ኦቪድ ሪል እስቴት በኢትዮጵያ በተለይም በመዲናችን አዲስ አበባ የሚስተዋለውን የመኖሪያ ቤት ችግር ለመቅረፍ

2016 E.C. New Year Message from our CEO

የራይድ ዋና ስራ አስፈፃሚ መልዕክት:-

እንኳን ለ2016 ዓ.ም አዲስ ዓመት አደረሳችሁ:: መጭው ዓመት በሃገራችን የሰላም- የፍቅር እና የበረከት አመት እንዲሆን በመላው የራይድ ቤተሰብ ስም እየተመኘው- ቤተሰባዊ ወዳጅነታችንን የምናጠናክርበት እንዲሁም በቀናነት የምንተሳሰብበት ዘመን እንሚሆን እምነቴ ነው:: ራይድ የሁላችንም ነው! ስለሆነም- በመጭው ዓመት አገልግሎታችንን ሙሉ ለሙሉ ሰው ተኮር በማድረግ በአለም ተወዳዳሪ የሆነና የአፍሪካ ኩራት የሆነ ጠንካራ ድርጅት በጋራ እንደምንገነባ እተማመናለሁ:: መልካም በዓል ከእነቤተሰብዎ እመኛለሁ::

RIDE Company Profile

Hybrid Designs PLC is a revolutionary Mobility technology company that aspires to implement simple, practical, and efficient mobility systems in Africa. Our

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