Ethiopia's Pride

Join RIDE Family

Become a RIDE Driver

Be a part of our family and earn money with flexible working hours with low percent commission and many benefits offered by RIDE Family

Join RIDE Family & Get Benefits

Flexible Working Hour

You are the one to choose your working hours. You can work whenever you want.


Earn money from different streams like RIDE Fare, Selling SIM Card, Telebirr Agent

Low Commission Rate

You are the one to choose your working hours. You can work whenever you want.


Change Earned Balance to RIDE Credit

Buy RIDE Credit From Telebirr & Banks

Get Paid Instantly For RIDE Trips

Easily Cash out to Your Telebirr or Bank account

Also Top up, Pay & Use Personal Account

Sell SIM Card & Get Commission

Where are in
the Future

Create ecosystem of digital services to make living simple in Ethiopia and beyond.​

Become a RIDE Driver

Do you have one of the cars listed below? Turn it into a cash cow. The city is on fire and RIDE makes it easy for you to cash in all day, everyday. If your car is outside our specification call us to evaluate it individually.

Allowed Vehicle Types / የሚፈቀዱ የመኪና አይነቶች

If vehicle type isn’t listed for individual evaluation, Drop by at working hours

If your car is listed in the available car lists you can register through the following steps

የአዲስ አሽከርካሪዎች የምዝገባ ማስረጃና መመሪያ

Car Code type (የመኪናዎ ታረጋ ቁጥር)

Vehicle ownership (የመኪና ባለቤትነት ፤ ቅጥር ፤ ውክልና)

Insurance (ኢንሹራንስ)

Driver License (የአሽከርካሪ መንጃ ፈቃድ)

Business License (የንግድ ፈቃድ)

Business Registration (የንግድ ምዝገባ)

Tin Number (የግብር ከፋይ ሰርተፍኬት)

Libre (ሊብሬ)

Sim Card & Picture (ሲም ካርድና ፎቶ)

ከላይ የተጠቀሱት ሰነዶች በሙሉ በሊብሬ ባለቤት ስም መሆን ይኖርብታል ካሌሆነ እና ሊብሬ በማህበር ስም ከሆነ ባለአክሲዮን መሆኖን የሚገልፅ የብዳቤ ከማህበሩ ማምጣት ይኖርቦታል፤ በተጨማሪ የአሽከርካሪ እገዛ ማእከል በአካል በመገኘት ማነጋገር ይኖርቦታል

በከላይ የተጠቀሱት ሰነዶች በሙሉ ተሟልተው ካልተጠናቀቀ የራይድ አባል መሆን አይቻልም

ከላይ የተጠቀሱትን ሰነዶችን ካሟሉ በኋላ የሚከተለትን ተግባራት በቅደም ተከተል ይተግብሩ

Register to RIDE by providing the necessary Documents with the your preferred method

Take your vehicle to the inspection garages to pass all the vehicle inspection requirements, The inspections are managed by a powerful system called AUTOMATRIX that saves time and increase efficiency.

Vehicle Inspection ( የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ )

Take your vehicle to the inspection garages to pass all the vehicle inspection requirements, The inspections are managed by a powerful system called AUTOMATRIX that saves time and increase efficiency.

Go to These Available Garages to inspect your Vehicle

NANO Garage

DanIel Garage

Come to the office, get the app and learn how to use it
( ወደ ራይድ ቢሮ መጥተዉ አፕሌኬሽን ያስጭኑ እንዲሁም ስለአጠቃቀሙ እና አገልግሎት አሰጣጥ ገለፃ ይውሰዱ )

Go to These Available Garages to inspect your Vehicle

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