Eligibility and Qualification

  1. Initial Eligibility

To be a RIDE corporate client, an application form must be completed in the manner and format provided by Hybrid Designs PLC. The company submitting an application must be a business entity or a non-profit organization that is currently engaged in providing service to the public or institutional guests in Addis Ababa; including surrounding incorporated towns within 40 km distance from the city limit. The company must also hold an Operating Certificate or Legal License issued by an appropriate Addis Ababa City Authority.


  1. Acknowledgement of Service Terms

Anyone on behalf of a company/organization who submits an application form is considered as having reviewed the RIDE Terms and Conditions, any supporting documentation, and the application process thoroughly. Failure to or neglect in reviewing, receiving, or completing any information as part of the application process by the authorized personnel will not relieve the company/organization from any obligation with respect to the application or any other information submitted that would make the service provision flawless. No claim based on a lack of knowledge or understanding of any document or its contents will be accepted as an excuse.

Every request for interpretation or clarification of the Terms and Conditions or the application form, or any additional information about the RIDE service shall be made in writing and sent to: support@ride8294.com ; or by an official hard copy letter delivered to Hybrid Designs PLC Office.


  1. Disqualification of Applications

Any of the following may be considered sufficient cause to disqualify an application:

  1. Failure to meet any eligibility requirement,
  2. Submission of an application form by unauthorized personnel
  • Submission of an application by an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation under different unofficial names
  1. The applicant company/organization having had prior litigation with transportation service providers
  2. The applicant company/organization having defaulted on a previous contract or MOU with other transportation service providers and/or
  3. Any violation of the Terms and Conditions outlined by Hybrid Designs PLC




A completed application process consists of a completed Corporate Application Form and an official letter stating the following information:

  1. Listing of employees or individuals authorized to use RIDE service under company/organization
  2. Statement of acknowledgement to pay all bills incurred by authorized personals mentioned in the listing. For hotel applicants, the letter should state permission to pick up passengers from a premise anytime a RIDE is requested by staying guests.

Location to submit document: Bole Sheger building no. 706



After review and evaluation of submitted applications; including any subsequent conversations with an applicant company/organization, a RIDE account manager will be specifically assigned to the applicant to manage the relationship on a continual basis. The CEO of Hybrid Designs will formally inform the applicant the status of their service request application within a few days. For large corporate accounts of 100 users or more, a special MOU with additional terms based on the complexity of the service may be provided for the institutional management to approve and sign.

We thank you in advance for your time and attention, and sincerely hope that you will seriously consider RIDE transportation platform so that your company may take advantage of the convenience in RIDE Platforms.

For more information on our services and/or special rates, please do not hesitate to contact us at +251 116 57 50 47 or by email at support@ride8294.com .




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እንኳን ለ2016 ዓ.ም አዲስ ዓመት አደረሳችሁ:: መጭው ዓመት በሃገራችን የሰላም- የፍቅር እና የበረከት አመት እንዲሆን በመላው የራይድ ቤተሰብ ስም እየተመኘው- ቤተሰባዊ ወዳጅነታችንን የምናጠናክርበት እንዲሁም በቀናነት የምንተሳሰብበት ዘመን እንሚሆን እምነቴ ነው:: ራይድ የሁላችንም ነው! ስለሆነም- በመጭው ዓመት አገልግሎታችንን ሙሉ ለሙሉ ሰው ተኮር በማድረግ በአለም ተወዳዳሪ የሆነና የአፍሪካ ኩራት የሆነ ጠንካራ ድርጅት በጋራ እንደምንገነባ እተማመናለሁ:: መልካም በዓል ከእነቤተሰብዎ እመኛለሁ::

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