Happy New Year 2015 EC.
Happy New Year 2015 EC.
Safety is number on priority of RIDE. We ensure that platforms and systems we use are state of the art
RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate.RIDE has been working on its park, playing role in creating a livable climate. Our company is always delighted to make Addis Ababa dynamic and….
❤️የምስራች! RIDE Health የተሰኘው ሲስተማችን በታዋቂ የጤና ተቋማት ላይ በይፋ ስራ የጀመረ ሲሆን የራይድ አሽከርካሪዎች ለህክምና ወደእነዚህ የራይድ ፓርትነር ሆስፒታሎች
ከተሳፋሪ አፕልኬሽን ትዕዛዝ ሲደርስዎ የተሳፋሪውን መገኛ ቦታ በቡርትካናማ የሰው ምልክት ካርታዎ ላይ ይቀመጣል
Online ለመመዝገብ እነዚህን ቅደም ተከተሎች አሟልተው ወደስራ ይሰማሩ የራይድ አሽከርካሪን አፕልኬሽን ከ Google Play ወይም ከ IOS Store አውርደው Signup
Hybrid Designs PLC entered the RIDE hailing market in 2014 with a vision to make transportation in the capital safe, affordable and convenient through technology.